101 Facts About Custom Orthotics In 2023

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Curious to uncover interesting facts and surprising information about custom orthotics? Then this article is just what you need! Get ready to explore 101 Facts About Custom Orthotics, from their history and different materials used, to the latest developments in the industry – all your questions will be answered in this factsheet. Let’s start with the basics – when were custom orthotics first introduced, and what conditions do they treat today? What are some of the technologies used for creating them, and how has the process evolved over time?

Today, custom orthotics have become popular for a variety of foot-related ailments. But what kind of expertise is necessary for creating these products? Are there any benefits associated with using customized orthotic devices or any extra considerations that must be considered before ordering yours? 

We know finding facts and figures about custom orthotics can be time-consuming and frustrating, so we put together this list of the top 101 facts, notes, and statistics so you can easily reference them and refer back to them any time in the future.  This space is constantly changing, so if you see a fact that is not up-to-date, feel free to let us know. And if you know a stat that we should add, let us know that too!

1. Custom Orthotics Are Medical Devices Prescribed By A Foot And Ankle Surgeon.

These are different from shoe inserts and arch supports in that they have two functions. Orthotics can be used to accommodate or offload a prominent area. This can be helpful for bursitis, calluses beneath bony prominences and ulcers.

2. Orthotics Can Help Delay The Need For Surgery If It Is Not Desired At A Specific Time Or If A Child Must Wait For Growth Plates To Close And For His Or Her Skeleton To Be More Physically Mature.

They can also help with pain following a surgery if an optimal result was not possible or achieved.

3. Custom Orthotics Are Designed To Provide Support For The Anatomical Arches Of Your Feet To Give You More Stability While You Stand And Walk.

Although over-the-counter shoe inserts can also provide some stability for your foot, they were not designed to conform to any individual foot, and will not provide optimal balance and support over the entire surface of your foot. In contrast, custom orthotics will specifically help to correct misalignments in your problem areas and provide support all along the surface of your feet. Unlike over-the-counter generic insoles, custom orthotics can correct foot abnormalities such as pronation (collapsed arches) and supination (high arches).

4. Custom Orthotics Can Help You Improve Your Athletic Performance.

Wearing orthotics specifically designed for your athletic activity can help to reduce the force load of the technical demands of a specific sport, helping you produce more efficient and precise movements. Moreover, custom orthotics can help to distribute your weight more evenly across the surface of the foot, improving your balance. Orthotic devices also provide foot protection, but absorb shock and create better motion control, improve foot and leg movements and even reduce muscle fatigue. For best athletic performance, your athletic custom orthotics should be designed for your specific physical activity.

5. Custom Orthotics Can Help To Prevent And Treat Many Types Of Muscle And Bone Problems, Including Injuries To The Tendons, Muscles And Joints, As Well As Stress Fractures.

According to scientific research, custom orthotics can help to prevent injury such as medial tibial stress syndrome, plantar fasciitis, and knee pain. According to research findings, foot orthotics reduced the risk of injuries by 28%, and reduced the risk of stress fractures by 41%. In contrast, over-the-counter shock absorbing insoles did not produce similar protective effects.

6. Unlike Store-Bought Insoles, Prescription Orthotics Are Custom Made To Fit Your Foot And Tailored To Address Your Specific Needs And Foot Issues.

7. Orthotics Are Multifunctional.

They can offload weight from certain parts of your foot that are impacted by bursitis, calluses, or foot ulcers. They can improve your foot’s function, especially when it comes to hypermobility associated with tendonitis and fasciitis. Orthotics can also support and align your foot, as well as the rest of your lower extremities, which reduces the frequency and severity of foot, ankle, leg, and lower back pain.

8. Orthotics Are Not Just For Athletes.

They can also assist those who suffer from frequent sprains, people whose toes aren’t straight, and those whose feet come in or out when they walk. Depending on your issue, we may recommend orthotics if you have a chronic heel, knee, or lower back pain, or if you wear one side of your shoe’s sole more quickly than the other.

9. A Custom Orthotic Is Made From A Physical Or Digital Mold Of Your Own Foot And Is Created To Match The Contours And Structure Of Your Individual Foot.

They are made for you alone to wear. Products that claim to be “custom-made” without a prescription from a podiatrist are not.

10. Shoe Inserts Are Less Expensive Than Custom Orthotics.

However, since custom orthotics are prescribed by a doctor, they may be covered at least in part by your health insurance. Orthotics are also constructed of top-quality materials and are made to last for many years of use.

11. Patients With Diabetes Should Never Attempt To Choose Non-Custom Orthotic Pads To Protect Their Feet.

Accommodative orthotics prescribed by the foot doctor are made to protect diabetic ulcers and help prevent them from getting worse.

12. Custom Orthotics Prescribed By A Doctor Are Very Different From The Premade Kinds Found In Shoe Stores, Ski And Skate Shops, Pharmacies, Sporting Goods Stores Or Online.

While orthotics can be made in several different ways, most podiatrists make a plaster mold of the patient’s foot and send it to a laboratory with a prescription. Technicians pour plaster into the mold, and when it hardens, it exactly reproduces the bottom of the person’s foot. Based on the doctor’s prescription, the technicians then custom make a device to meet the patient’s specific needs.

13. Orthotics Are Very Helpful After Knee, Hip And Lower Back Surgery, Especially When The Patient Has A Problematic Foot Type, Such As A Flat Foot Or A Foot With A High Arch.

These devices are quite helpful in helping to protect the lower extremity.

14. Custom Foot Orthotics Need To Be Updated Every Two Years.

Certain aspects of walking may change in the patient, and the materials used to make the orthotic wear away and do not provide the same support the device initially provided.

15. Type Of Custom Orthotics: Rigid Custom Orthotics Are Designed To Control Foot Function And May Be Made From A Firm Material Such As Plastic Or Carbon Fiber.

These orthotics are mainly designed to control motion in two major foot joints, which lie directly below the ankle joint. This type of orthotic is often used to improve or eliminate pain in the legs, thighs and lower back due to abnormal function of the foot.

16.  Type Of Custom Orthotics: Soft Orthotic Devices Help To Absorb Shock, Improve Balance And Take Pressure Off Uncomfortable Or Sore Spots. 

They are usually made of soft, compressible materials. This type of orthotic is effective for arthritis or deformities where there is a loss of protective fatty tissue on the side of the foot. They are also helpful for people with diabetes.

17. Type Of Custom Orthotics: Semi-Rigid Orthotics Are Often Used For Athletes.

They allow for dynamic balance of the foot while running or participating in sports. By guiding the foot through proper functions, it allows the muscles and tendons to perform more efficiently. It is constructed of layers of soft materials, reinforced with more rigid materials.

18. Orthotics Refers To Custom-Made Shoe Inserts Prescribed By A Licensed Doctor Of Podiatric Medicine, An Osteopathic Doctor, Or A Medical Doctor After A Medical Examination And Diagnosis.

Orthotics are designed to accommodate or correct an abnormal or irregular walking pattern.

19. Orthotics Make Standing, Walking, And Running More Comfortable And Efficient By Altering The Angles At Which The Foot Strikes The Ground.

Orthotics placed inside your shoes can absorb shock, improve balance, and take pressure off sore spots. Doctors of podiatric medicine pioneered and are developing more high-tech orthotics.

20. Doctors Of Podiatric Medicine Are Specialists In The Foot And Ankle.

Some specialize in conservative care while others practice mostly as surgeons. Many DPMs specialize in the needs of people with diabetes. DPMs also assist other doctors in non-podiatric surgeries because of their special skills and doctor-patient relationships. The Department of Consumer Affairs’ Podiatric Medical Board of California licenses and regulates DPMs.

21. Osteoarthritis And Rheumatoid Arthritis Can Result In Discomfort That Custom Orthotics Can Improve.

22. Those Who Have Experienced Trauma In Their Feet And Ankles Could Require Additional Support Through Custom Orthotics.

23. This Occurs When There Is Excess Bone Growth On The Bottom Or Back Of The Heel. Custom Orthotics Help Support The Foot And Minimize Inflammation.

24. Those With High Arches Can Put Extra Stress On Foot Muscles. Custom Orthotics Can Prevent The Feet From Rolling Inwards Or Outwards.

25. Those With Diabetes Can Lose Sensation In The Feet, A Condition Called Diabetic Neuropathy. Orthotics Improve This Stress That Can Lead To Foot Ulcers.

26. Orthotics Can Improve How The Foot Is Positioned.

27. Orthotics With A Wide Toe Box Can Lessen The Pressure On The Big Toe.

28. Poor Foot Positioning Is Improved With Orthotics Which Can Reduce Back Pain.

29. Custom Orthotics Are Made From Raw Materials And A 3-D Model Of Your Feet.

They’re built from scratch to accommodate your needs. The majority of orthotics (with the exception of runner’s orthotics that are made from a combination of cork and leather) are made from rigid or semi-rigid plastic or fiberglass.

30. The Main Role Of Orthotics Is To Help Correct The Improper Alignment Of The Joints, Bones, Muscles, Tendons, And Ligaments In Your Feet And Ankles To Reduce Pain And Discomfort.

The pain could stem from musculoskeletal abnormalities, age-related ailments, genetics, or constantly wearing shoes that don’t fit properly.

31. “Biomechanics” Refers To How We Move Our Joints And Muscles.

Think of the body as a machine composed of many components that work together. Each component such as tendons, joints, muscles, and ligaments, works together. If one component becomes compromised, it impacts the others. This can have an impact on the “machine” that is our body.

32. Custom Sports Orthotics Are Designed For Both Recreational Activities And Specific Sports.

Examples include ankle orthotics, AFO orthotics, spinal orthosis, high arches orthotics, KAFO orthosis, knee orthotics, and orthotics for feet.

33. Functional Orthotics Are Made To Help Improve Your Natural Gait And Stance, Improving Foot Aches And Pains, As Well As Pain, Felt In The Thighs And Lower Back.

They’re designed to improve your balance and help slow the progression of foot deformities or muscle imbalances. Functional orthotics are usually made from carbon fiber or plastic, and they’re best used in walking shoes or closed-toed dress shoes.

34. Accommodative Orthotics Is Another Type Of Custom Orthotics That Can Help Accommodate Existing Deformities Or Fat Pad Losses That Functional Orthotics Cannot Improve.

This type of device is designed to help those with rigid joints or even arthritis. They are usually softer and help to redistribute the pressure that can result in corns, heel fissures, or painful calluses. As the name suggests, accommodative orthotics are usually made from compression materials to provide additional cushion to reduce pressure.

35. Custom Orthotics Are Not A Universal Solution For Those Suffering From Foot And Ankle Ailments.

How effective orthotics are depends on who is making them, how often they’re worn, the doctor’s prescription, and the shoes in which they’re worn. Many studies suggest that well-fitting orthotics that are properly worn can effectively treat foot and ankle problems.

36. Orthotics Are More Expensive Than Inserts But They Come With A Medical Evaluation, A Custom Fit, And Quality Materials That Are Designed To Last.

As these are prescription medical devices, it’s possible that your insurance will cover the cost.

37. Orthotics Help Relieve Pain.

When your joints are stiff from arthritis, if you’re recovering from an injury, or if you’ve just had surgery, you’re probably in some pain. Medications and therapies can help relieve that pain, but you may not automatically think about orthotics as a way to alleviate discomfort.

38. Orthotics Are Removable.

If you need a brace on your leg, hip, or arm, hiding it isn’t as easy. But these orthotics are removable, so you can take them off for a short time and put them back on later if you need to.

39. Runners And Athletes Have Special Needs, But Orthotics Can Help Non-Athletes, As Well.

An imbalance in your feet–even a small one can change your posture and affect your entire body. Orthotics might help you if: 

  • One side of the sole of your shoe wears out faster than the other. 
  • You frequently sprain your ankle. 
  • You have chronic heel, knee, or lower back pain. 
  • Your toes are not straight. 
  • Your feet point inward or excessively outward when you walk.

40. Arch Supports And Shoe Inserts Made For Standard Shoe Sizes Are Generally Affordable And May Be Helpful, But Are Not Suitable For Everyone.

Improper orthotics can injure healthy biomechanics, gait, and posture.

41. Properly Prescribed Orthotics Have Relieved Debilitating Pain For Thousands Of People.

Many people who could not take a step without pain are walking normally and living more active lives because of orthotics. Anyone can provide mass-produced inserts, but only doctors are trained and licensed to diagnose medical conditions and prescribe orthotics.

42. Doctor Of Podiatric Medicine Often Recommend Orthotics And Other Conservative Care For Many Foot And Ankle Problems Before Considering Podiatric Surgery.

43. For People With Diabetes, Arthritis, Or Other Conditions, Orthotics That Do Not Fit Properly Can Be Dangerous.

People with diabetes especially need proper diagnoses and prescriptions from a licensed doctor.

44. Custom Is Key When It Comes To Orthotics.

Unlike generic, mass-produced shoe inserts available over the counter or online, custom orthotics are tailored specifically for your foot. They provide support exactly where you need it and are shaped to fit the contours and size of your feet.

45. Custom Orthotics Provide Cushioning And Support As They Redistribute The Pressure Your Feet Experience With Everyday Activities.

This is very helpful if you have arthritis or you stand for significant periods during a workday. Orthotics also help prevent pressure ulcers and other foot abnormalities related to diabetes.

46. In Adults With Painful Pes Cavus For More Than A Month, Custom Foot Orthotics Decreased Foot Pain After 3 Months Compared To Fake Foot Orthotics.

47. In Juvenile Arthritis Patients At Least 5 Years Old, Custom Foot Orthotics Reduced Foot Pain After 3 Months Compared To Wearing Supportive Shoes But Did Not Reduce Pain After 3 Months When Compared With Prefabricated Neoprene Shoe Inserts.

48. In Adults With Rheumatoid Arthritis, Custom Foot Orthotics Reduced Rearfoot Pain After 3 Months Compared To No Treatment But Did Not Reduce Foot Pain After 3 Years Compared To Fake Orthotics. 

Custom orthotics did not reduce pain in the big toe joint after 6 weeks or 3 months any more than supportive shoes or non-custom foot orthotics.

49. For Plantar Fasciitis, Custom Foot Orthotics Did Not Reduce Pain At 3 Or 12 Months Compared To A Fake Orthotic. 

Custom orthotics were not superior to night splints in these patients. It may also not reduce foot pain after 2 weeks any more than a combined treatment plan of manipulation, mobilization, and stretching for patients with plantar fasciitis.

50. In Patients With Hallux Valgus Who Were Less Than 60 Years Old, Custom Foot Orthotics Reduced Foot Pain After 6 Months Compared To No Treatment, But May Not Be As Effective As Surgery After 6 Or 12 Months.

51. Custom Orthotics Can Aid In Supporting The Force Load And Distribute Even Pressure Across The Surface Of Your Feet. 

They can also help to soften the impact so you can remain active and on your feet.

52. Custom Orthotics Help To Balance Your Feet And Body As They Ensure Correct Alignment.

This is especially helpful if you have legs that are asymmetrical. In fact, some 40-70%(opens in a new tab) of people have one leg that is longer than the other. While it is often not noticeable enough to affect function, it can be significant enough to throw your hips and back out of alignment, leading to pain in multiple areas of your body.

53. 58% Population Suffering From Foot Pain Are Using Foot Orthotic Insoles And 77% Are Willing To Buy Them.

54. Global Foot Orthotic Insoles Market Size Was Valued At USD 2.97 Billion And Is Projected To Reach USD 4.50 Billion By 2028, Exhibiting A CAGR Of 6.1% During The Forecast Period.

55. The Prevalence Of Foot Orthotic Use Rises As Patients Age, With 76% Of 55–64-Year-Old Are Using Foot Orthotics And 88% Of 85–94-Year-Old Population Are Using Them.

The study also suggests that more women (83%) than men (70%) use foot orthotics, and people with a diagnosis of diabetes are more likely to use them (86%).

56. As Obesity Rates Continue To Climb And People Are Living Longer With Diabetes, The Demand For Foot Orthotic Insoles Is Also On The Rise.

Foot orthotic insoles are prescription inserts that help support and protect the feet, typically by restoring function toćon areas of the foot that have been affected by arthritis, injury or other conditions.

57. According To The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) And Latest Report By Skyquest, Over 1.7 Million Cases Of Foot Ulcers Were Reported In 2021, A 50% Increase From 2000.

58. The Adult Foot Orthotic Insoles Segments Is Anticipated To Account For 70% Of Sales Of Foot Orthotic Insoles Through 2030.

59. Applications Of Medical Foot Orthotic Insoles In The Healthcare Sector Are Expected To Remain High, Accounting For Over 50% Of The Total Market Share.

60. Ethyl-Vinyl-Acetate (EVA) Is Projected To Remain The Most Preferred Material, Holding 1/5th Of The Total Market Share Through 2031.

61. The U.S. Is Anticipated To Lead The North America Foot Orthotic Insoles Market, With Sales Growing At A 9% CAGR Through 2031.

62. The U.K. Will Emerge As A Lucrative Market Owing To High Incidence Of Foot Disorders In The Geriatric Population.

63. Germany Will Continue Witnessing High Demand For Foot Orthotic Insoles Due To Rising Prevalence Of Diabetic Foot Ulcers In The Country.

64. The Global Foot Orthotic Insoles Market Is Expected To Grow At A Compound Annual Growth Rate Of 6.9% From 2022 To 2030 To Reach USD 5.78 Billion By 2030.

65. The Global Foot Orthotic Insoles Market Size Was Estimated At USD 3.17 Billion In 2021 And Is Expected To Reach USD 3.36 Billion In 2022.

66. North America Dominated The Foot Orthotic Insoles Market With A Share Of 44.1% In 2021. This Is Attributable To Rising Consumer Awareness Regarding Physical Fitness.

67. Custom Orthotics, Fashioned Just For You Using Precision Measurements Of Your Feet, Are Well Suited To Restoring Healthy Biomechanics To Your Feet And Lower Body, As Well As Providing Extra Cushioning And Support For Your Feet.

68. Another Key Advantage Of Custom Orthotics (As Opposed To Over-The-Counter Arch Supports, Which Typically Only Provide A Few Months’ Worth Of Use) Is That They Are Long-Lasting.

The lifespan of your orthotics will of course vary depending on factors such as construction materials, how heavy you are, how often you wear them, and what kinds of activities you do in them. But if they’re well cared for, it’s not uncommon for some pairs to last for several years.

69. Custom Orthotics Are Precision Tools Made For A Highly Specific Set Of Circumstances.

When you change those circumstances, your orthotics may no longer be as effective. Pregnancy, substantial weight gain or loss, or a recent surgery to your hips or knees are all examples of body changes that may require a change in your orthotics. The shape of your feet also changes over your lifetime, which may alter the ideal fit.

70. Custom Orthotics Are Expensive, Costing Anywhere From $200 To $800, Which Doesn’t Take Into Account The Associated Office Visits.

This includes the associated office visits required to fabricate your orthotics as well as the cost to replace the top surfaces when they wear out. Resurfacing a pair of orthotic inserts can cost $50 to $100.

71. Making Custom Orthotics Is A Multi-Step Process That Includes A Thorough Exam Of Your Foot, Taking A Cast Of Your Foot, And The Manufacture And Fitting Of Your Orthotics.

Find a provider with years of experience fabricating custom orthotics to make sure yours are done right.

72. Unless You Have A Complex Foot Disorder, Are Diabetic, Are A High- Performance Athlete, Or Have A Recurring Injury That Over-The-Counter Insoles Can’t Address, You Likely Don’t Need Custom Orthotics.

73. For Those Who Don’t Require Custom Orthotics, A Semi-Custom Over The Counter Insole Is A Great Option.

They come in four different arch heights and are made with medical-grade support for a close-to-custom fit.

74. If Your Health Insurance Covers The Cost Of Custom Orthopedic Shoe Inserts, You’ll Likely Be Able To Reduce Your Cost And Only Have To Pay 10-50% Of The Total Price.

However, more often than not, insurance doesn’t cover them. Make sure you check with your insurer before you get fitted.

75. Great Custom-Molded Orthotics Cannot Be Made Without A Face-To-Face Visit.

There are a variety of providers who will send out a “Stomp Box,” a piece of impression foam in a box. You are instructed to step into the box with each foot and send the resulting impressions off to make your orthotics. Unfortunately, without an experienced provider to position your foot as it makes the impression, your dysfunctional biomechanics may be built into the design of your orthotics.

76. A Certified Pedorthist (C. Ped) Diagnoses Foot Problems And Prescribes Orthotics.

C. Peds often have the most hands-on experience with orthotics and functional biomechanics. Podiatrists are doctors who specialize in feet. They can diagnose foot problems and prescribe orthotics as well as perform surgery to fix problems.  A chiropractor is involved with the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Some provide custom orthopedic shoe inserts.

77. Getting Custom Foot Orthotic Insoles Right Is A Challenging Mix Of Art And Science.

It takes years of experience to learn the subtleties of making custom orthotics that meet both the functional and the comfort needs of the client. Choosing someone with a long history of success will increase the chances that the orthotics will be right – the first time.

78. Some Practitioners Evaluate A Client’s Needs, Then Transmit The Info To A Lab That Creates The Actual Orthotics.

While this system can work, having the orthotics made at the place of the diagnoses prevents errors in communication and ensures that modifications can be easily made if necessary.

79. Custom Molded Orthotics Are Insoles That Have Been Prescribed By A Doctor, Often A Podiatrist, Sports Medicine Physician, Or Orthopedic Surgeon After Conducting A Thorough Evaluation Of Your Feet, Ankles, And Legs.

These insoles are a bit more advanced, as they are built for your specific foot and gait, and accommodate your individual foot structure.

80. Over-The-Counter Inserts Encompass A Variety Of Different Foot Products Including Arch Supports, Insoles, Heel Liners, And Foot Cushions.

Not all prefabricated insoles are made alike, however, especially when it comes to the level of support they offer.

81. While Scientific Research Has Proven That Insoles Help Treat And Prevent Leg, Foot And Lower-Extremity Injuries,  Studies Have Not Found A Significant Difference Between Prefabricated And Custom Orthotics.

If you’ve decided that you don’t need custom orthotics or want to try over-the-counter insoles before spending the money on custom, you’ll find you have a lot of choices.

82. Rigid Orthotics, Or “Functional Orthotics,” Are Made From Materials Like Plastic Or Carbon Fiber.

They’re best for walking shoes or dress shoes with closed toes and low heels. This kind of orthotic is designed to ease foot aches and strains as well as pain in the legs, thighs, and lower back that you might feel if your foot doesn’t work like it should.

83. Soft Orthotics, Or “Accommodative Orthotics,” Are Made From Soft Compression Materials.

They provide cushioning to take the pressure off uncomfortable or sore spots from conditions such as plantar fasciitis or diabetic foot ulcers. Because of their bulk, you might need to wear soft orthotics with prescription footwear.

84. Custom Orthotics Are A Prescription Orthotic Made  From A 3D Impression Of Your Feet.

They’re made just for you to help improve, support or correct your foot posture or treat any foot pathology you may be experiencing.

85. Both Over-The-Counter Inserts And Custom Orthotics Should Fit The Contours Of Your Shoe And Feel Comfortable.

A packaged insert that rubs your foot in the store won’t get better at home. Prescription orthotics made from molds of your feet should fit quite well. If they don’t, tell your podiatrist.

86. The Term “Biomechanics” Refers To The Way We Move Our Muscles And Joints.

You can think of our body’s movement like a machine:  it has many components (our muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments) that work together in a certain way – like a team – to help us move.

87. Abnormal Biomechanics Cause An Imbalance Of Muscles In Our Feet, Which Leads To A Variety Of Foot Conditions.

By correcting any biomechanical irregularities, it ensures we are using our muscles the way they were intended to be used when we walk, which in turn will reduce pain and help treat a variety of foot issues.

88. Orthotics Are Designed To Offset The Effects Of Various Foot Issues And Conditions.

They support your body weight, encourage healthy biomechanical movement and redistribute pressure evenly along the bottom of the foot.  This alleviates any excess strain your condition may have on your muscles and joints – it in essence functions like a replacement part in the machine, so that other parts of the machine can then function properly and not get damaged.  Because they are created from plaster molds of your feet, they provide targeted support exactly where you need it.

89. The Customizability Of Orthotics Is Also Beneficial For Structural Issues And Functional Abnormalities In The Feet, Such As Flat Feet, High Arches, Bunions, Hammer Toes.

These issues disrupt our gait and imbalance the joints and muscles in our feet.  By reducing muscle imbalances, these foot deformities can be suppressed.

90. Custom Orthotics Are Created From Raw Materials Using A Three-Dimensional Model Of Your Actual Feet.

In other words, they are built from scratch just for you to meet your specific and unique needs.

91. UCBL Orthotics Have A Very Deep Heel Cup And Are High Control.

It is made for the severe pronators and requires a high-volume shoe to accommodate the device. They are commonly made for pediatric patients with over pronation.

92. Casual Orthotics Are Made For Casual Walking And Standing.

The orthotic can be medium to low volume and is designed to be more easily transferable between shoes.

93. Orthotics For Ski Boots Are Thin, And Made Using A Thin, Durable Material Like Carbon.

They also come with an attached pull tab for easy removal.

94. Orthotics For Hockey Or Figure Skaters Are Thin And Low Profile To Fit Into The Skate.

A pull tab can be added for easy removal. Antimicrobial (bamboo) top covers can be an option.

95. Orthotics For Cleats Are Low Profile And More Flexible To Enhance Foot Performance During Sport.

Cleats with removable insoles work best for these types of orthotics.

96. Custom Orthotics May Effectively Correct Misalignment And Foot Abnormalities.

Orthotics can correct feet with biomechanical issues. For instance, they may correct foot misalignment caused by structural abnormalities.

97. Orthotics May Help You Gain Proper Posture.

Your back is not the only part of your body that suffers when you’ve got problems with your feet. Misalignment and deficiencies on the foot affect proper posture, as other parts of your body try to adjust to compensate for the abnormalities. Put simply, how you hold your body up depends upon your feet’ overall health.

98. Orthotics Provide Unmatched Comfort.

Apart from providing foot support, personalized orthotics offer superior comfort, much more than over-the-counter shoe inserts. The latter are typically generic, one-size-fits-all solutions to foot problems. But the reality is that people all have different foot structures. Buying an in-store foot insert is often a ‘hit-and-miss’ experience.

99. Orthotics Promote Foot Health.

Orthotics may help prevent various foot health issues. Problems like developing excessive calluses, warts, and infections can be prevented with its use.

100. Orthotics Help Enhance Athletic Performance.

Speaking of physically active individuals, gym goers are not the only persons who stand to benefit from personalized orthotics. Athletes can likewise use orthotics to improve their foot and body alignments, allowing them to perform without restrictions caused by pain or physical limitations.

101. Orthotics May Help Prevent Foot Injuries And Their Recurrence.

Because it corrects misalignment and deficiencies, personalized orthotics helps prevent the occurrence not only of foot pain but certain types of injuries that impact tendons, joints, and muscles, as well. A study showed that orthotics can help prevent injuries such as knee pain, medial tibial stress syndrome, plantar fasciitis, and so on. The said research discovered that with orthotics use, the risk of injuries dipped by 28%, while the risk of stress fractures reduced by 41%.


Foot Health FactsHeadache, Migraine, Concussion CentreJeffery Lamour DPM, PATFSHSSPMBCPrime CareIntermountain Foot & AnkleVery Well HealthSan Antonio PodiatryGlobe NewswireBio SpaceGrand View ResearchFixing FeetTread LabsWebMDFeet First Clinic, & Gilmore Health.


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Picture of Russell Pate

Russell Pate

Russell has been a Certified Pedorthist for over 28 years.

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