5 Common Misconceptions About Heel Spurs

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Heel spurs are a common foot ailment that can cause a great deal of pain. However, there are many misconceptions about heel spurs that can lead to people not seeking treatment for the problem. In this article, we will dispel five of the most common misconceptions about heel spurs.

Truth Behind The Heel Spurs Misconceptions

Heel spurs are bony outgrowths that form along the edges of the heel bone. They are commonly associated with plantar fasciitis, a condition that causes pain and inflammation in the tissues surrounding the heel. Although heel spurs are often blamed for heel pain, they are not the cause of this discomfort in most cases. 

Here we will debunk five of the most common misconceptions about heel spurs.

1. Heel spurs can cause numbness in your feet.

Heel spurs do not cause numbness in your feet. The only way that a heel spur could cause numbness in your feet is if the spur was pressing on a nerve. However, most heel spurs are not big enough to press on nerves and therefore do not cause numbness. So if you are experiencing numbness in your feet, it is probably not due to a heel spur. 

Other possible causes of numbness in your feet include diabetes, nerve damage, and certain medications. If you are experiencing numbness in your feet, you should see a doctor find out the cause. Doing so will help you get the proper treatment and prevent any further damage.

2. Heel spur is a result of inheritance.

This is not always the case. While some genetic factors may predispose someone to develop heel spurs, such as having flat feet or high arches, this is not always the cause. In many cases, heel spurs develop due to repetitive stress on the foot, such as from over-exercise or wearing shoes that do not provide proper support. 

If you think you may be at risk for developing heel spurs due to inheritance, talk to your doctor or podiatrist about what you can do to reduce your chances.

3. If I have a heel spur, I will almost certainly have it for the rest of my life.

This is not necessarily true. While heel spurs can be a chronic condition, there are treatments available that can help to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with them. In some cases, surgery may even be an option. If you are suffering from heel spurs, it is important to see a doctor or podiatrist so that they can develop a treatment plan that is right for you. 

There is no need to suffer in silence. Heel spurs can be a painful and debilitating condition, but there is hope for those who suffer from them. With the right treatment plan, many people can find relief and live relatively normal lives. Don’t let heel spurs control your life, seek help.

4. Plantar fasciitis is caused by heel spurs.

Heel spurs are often blamed for plantar fasciitis, but there is no evidence that they are the cause. Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. While heel spurs can be painful, they are not usually the cause of plantar fasciitis. Treating heel spurs will not necessarily relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis. 

If you have plantar fasciitis, your doctor may recommend exercises and stretching to help reduce inflammation and pain. In some cases, orthotic devices or shoe inserts may also be recommended. Surgery is rarely needed to treat plantar fasciitis. If you have heel pain, talk to your doctor about possible causes and treatment options. Don’t be quick to blame heel spurs until all other possibilities have been ruled out.

5. If I have heel pain, it must be a heel spur.

One of the most common misconceptions about heel spurs is that if you have heel pain, it must be a heel spur. However, this is not always the case. Heel pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and even stress fractures. So, if you are experiencing heel pain, it is best to see a doctor get an accurate diagnosis.

While heel spurs are often the cause of plantar fasciitis, heel pain can also be caused by several other issues. If you’re experiencing heel pain, it’s important to get it checked out by a professional to determine the root cause. We hope this article has helped clear up some of the misconceptions about heel spurs. If you are experiencing any type of heel pain, please give us a call today. Our team of experts will be happy to help diagnose the issue and provide you with the best possible treatment plan.

Remember, The 3 Arches of Your Feet Still Need Support!

Maybe you have already felt the first symptoms of balance disorders or you want to prevent them from appearing in the first place. Consider getting a foot orthotic device or simply take care of your feet. Start by washing them thoroughly with a gentle soap whenever you take a shower. Being a very complex support system, your feet are your first line of defense against balance-related issues, since their arches provide you with the stability you need in your daily life. It’s time to put your foot down and push back against balance issues. With both feet on the ground, dedicate yourself to keeping them comfortable and healthy. Give us a call and we will scan your feet to make you custom orthotic inserts.

The Shoe Doctor has specialized in providing custom orthotics for 20 years. The right orthotic insoles can greatly reduce foot, knee and hip pain while increasing performance and comfort. Russell at The Shoe Doctor will help educate and assist you in finding the perfect solution for your particular situation. We will create a 3D map of your feet and make custom orthotics for your hiking boots, everyday shoes, and everything else in between. These orthotics, along with our expert advice, will get you using orthotics like a pro, and have you performing at the peak of your abilities in no time!  If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, give The Shoe Doctor a call to get the best custom orthotics in the area! We are here to assist you, schedule your free consultation here!


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Russell Pate

Russell has been a Certified Pedorthist for over 28 years.

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