5 Fast Facts About Heel Spurs In 2022

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Heel spurs are a common condition that can cause pain in the heel and arch of the foot. They are caused by an overgrowth of bone on the heel bone and can be treated with surgery or non-surgical methods. If you are experiencing heel pain, it is important to see a doctor to determine if you have heel spurs. In this article, we will discuss five fast facts about heel spurs that you should know.

What Should You Know About Heel Spurs?

Heel spurs can be a painful condition, but some treatments can help. If you’re dealing with heel pain, it’s important to understand what heel spurs are and how they can be treated. 

Here’s what you need to know about this common condition. Below are the five facts:

1.  Heel spurs become more common as we get older.

As we age, our bones can start to grow larger and longer. This is especially true for the heel bone, which can start to protrude outwards. This overgrowth of bone can cause a spur to form.  Heel spurs are more common in adults over the age of 40. However, they can also occur in younger people if they are active or participate in high-impact activities. 

Factors that may contribute to the formation of heel spurs include obesity, repetitive impact on the heelbone, tight calf muscles, and improper footwear. If you think you might have a heel spur, it’s important to see a doctor so they can diagnose the condition and recommend treatment.

2. Heel spurs and osteoarthritis connection.

Heel spurs are often associated with another condition called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. It often affects the hips, knees, and hands. Heel spurs can develop as a result of osteoarthritis or other conditions that put pressure on the heel bone. 

If you have heel pain, it’s important to see a doctor determine whether you have heel spurs. Treatment options are available for both heel spurs and osteoarthritis. If you have either condition, it’s important to follow your treatment plan and take steps to protect your joints from further damage.

3. The body’s attempt to protect the fascia is heel spurs.

The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. It helps to support the arch of the foot and acts as a shock absorber. When this tissue becomes damaged or overstretched, it can cause pain in the heel and arch of the foot. The body’s response to this damage is to create new bone growth in an attempt to protect the fascia. 

This new bone growth is what we call a heel spur. Heel spurs are often seen in people with plantar fasciitis, which is a condition that causes inflammation of the plantar fascia. However, not everyone with plantar fasciitis will develop heel spurs. If you have heel pain, it’s important to see a doctor determine the cause. Treatment options are available for both heel spurs and plantar fasciitis.

4.  Heel spurs are more prone to break off.

Heel spurs are more likely to break off if they are not treated. If you have heel pain, it’s important to see a doctor so they can diagnose the condition and recommend treatment. Treatment options for heel spurs include surgery, non-surgical methods, and lifestyle changes. 

Surgery is often the most effective treatment for heel spurs. However, it is not always necessary. Non-surgical methods, such as orthotic devices and stretching exercises, can also be effective. Lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and wearing proper footwear, can also help to prevent heel spurs from forming or breaking off.

5. Heel spurs provide hope for recovery.

Heel spurs are a natural part of the healing process. They often form in response to an injury or overuse, and they can provide hope for recovery. In many cases, heel spurs will eventually go away on their own. However, if they cause pain or other symptoms, treatment may be necessary. If you have heel pain, talk to your doctor about whether a heel spur could be the cause. 

Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the condition, but they may include rest, ice, stretching exercises, wearing orthotics, and over-the-counter pain relievers. Surgery is sometimes necessary to remove a heel spur that is causing severe pain or interfering with daily activities. With proper treatment, most people with heel spurs can heel spurs will find relief from their symptoms and go on to live normal, active lives.

If you’re experiencing heel spurs, we hope this article has been informative. Heel spurs can be frustrating and painful, but they don’t have to keep you from living your life. Our team of experts is here to help you get back on your feet. Give us a call today and let us help you start feeling better tomorrow.

Remember, The 3 Arches of Your Feet Still Need Support!

Maybe you have already felt the first symptoms of balance disorders or you want to prevent them from appearing in the first place. Consider getting a foot orthotic device or simply take care of your feet. Start by washing them thoroughly with a gentle soap whenever you take a shower. Being a very complex support system, your feet are your first line of defense against balance-related issues, since their arches provide you with the stability you need in your daily life. It’s time to put your foot down and push back against balance issues. With both feet on the ground, dedicate yourself to keeping them comfortable and healthy. Give us a call and we will scan your feet to make you custom orthotic inserts.

The Shoe Doctor has specialized in providing custom orthotics for 20 years. The right orthotic insoles can greatly reduce foot, knee and hip pain while increasing performance and comfort. Russell at The Shoe Doctor will help educate and assist you in finding the perfect solution for your particular situation. We will create a 3D map of your feet and make custom orthotics for your hiking boots, everyday shoes, and everything else in between. These orthotics, along with our expert advice, will get you using orthotics like a pro, and have you performing at the peak of your abilities in no time!  If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area, give The Shoe Doctor a call to get the best custom orthotics in the area! We are here to assist you, schedule your free consultation here!


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