5 Myths About Plantar Fasciitis You Probably Still Believe

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If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from Plantar Fasciitis, then you know just how painful and frustrating this condition can be. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths and misinformation out there about Plantar Fasciitis. In this article, we will dispel some of the most common myths about Plantar Fasciitis. We hope that this information will help you to better understand this condition and how to treat it.

The Truth About Plantar Fasciitis Myths

There are a lot of myths out there about plantar fasciitis. And, unfortunately, a lot of people still believe them. 

Here are five of the most common myths about plantar fasciitis and the truth behind them:

1. Plantar fasciitis is permanent.

This is a common myth about plantar fasciitis, and it is completely untrue. Plantar fasciitis can be cured with the right treatment, but you do have to take action to treat it before it becomes permanent. The first step in treating plantar fasciitis is to see your doctor so they can diagnose the problem and give you advice on how best to treat it. This may include stretches or exercises that are designed specifically for your foot type and condition. Your physician will also likely recommend ice packs several times per day until the pain subsides, as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication if needed (ibuprofen). If these things don’t help enough then surgery may be recommended. So, don’t believe the myth that plantar fasciitis is a permanent condition. With the right treatment, it can be cured in most cases.

2. Plantar fasciitis is a hereditary condition.

This is another myth about plantar fasciitis that just isn’t true. Plantar fasciitis can develop in anyone, regardless of their family history. There are many cases of people who have never had any problems with their feet before developing plantar fasciitis. This condition is most often caused by repetitive stress on the foot, such as from running or walking long distances without proper stretching and strengthening exercises. So, if you think you might be susceptible to developing plantar fasciitis because it runs in your family, think again. Anyone can get this condition if they are not careful.

3. There is only one proper treatment for plantar fasciitis.

This is not true. While some treatments work better for certain people, there isn’t necessarily one right treatment. Some people find relief with ice packs and anti-inflammatories, while others need surgery to correct the issue. There are a variety of treatments available, so it’s important to explore all your options before settling on a course of action. You should discuss all of your treatment options with your doctor to find the best one for you.

4. Flat feet are the cause of plantar fasciitis.

This is another myth that just isn’t true. While having flat feet can increase your risk of developing plantar fasciitis, it is not the only cause. Many people have flat feet and do not experience any problems with their feet. Similarly, some people have high arches and develop plantar fasciitis. 

The cause of this condition is still unknown, but experts believe that it may be due to a combination of factors, including genetics, shoes, and activity level. So, if you think that you might have plantar fasciitis because you have flat feet, think again. It is important to see a doctor if you are experiencing any type of foot pain so they can properly diagnose the problem and recommend the best treatment plan for you.

5. Only athletes get plantar fasciitis.

This is another myth that just isn’t true. While athletes are more likely to develop plantar fasciitis due to the amount of stress they put on their feet, it can occur in anyone, regardless of their activity level. This condition is most often caused by repetitive stress on the foot, such as from running or walking long distances without proper stretching and strengthening exercises. So, if you are not an athlete, don’t think that you are immune to developing plantar fasciitis. Anyone can get this condition if they are not careful.

We know that you can be tired of hearing the same old myths about plantar fasciitis, but we’ve got some truths to share. The truth is, there are many common misconceptions people make about this condition which could lead them down an ineffective treatment path or prevent them from getting any help at all. If you think you might have plantar fasciitis, don’t hesitate to call our office today for more information about how we can get your pain under control.

Do You Need Help Treating Plantar Fasciitis?

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Russell Pate

Russell has been a Certified Pedorthist for over 28 years.

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